Lotsa lotsa thanks to Muaz and Gma for the car and jambus..lols..
Thanks to Elmi yang xabes2 menyokong kitorang eventho die kt penang..
Thanks mie..Kami rindu kau..and your camera..;p
Thanks to Scha who helped us alot at our booth..
You really cheered us up back there..
Thanks to Asrol for taking care of the booth when alep and i wasn't there to took care things out.
Bleh jugak kau cakap kan last2?
It wasn't hard kan asol?
Ahhaha...I know you can handle things at the booth..
Thanks to my graffiti crew for giving a demo all about graffiti art..
Kasik bukak sikit mata diorang neh.
Also a big thanks to Miraj, Nadjmee, Lihin, Biko And lupe plak namenye kerana sudi memeriahkan booth..
To Apit and Topek kecik also for coming..
Thanks guys for supporting..
Lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa thanks..
You guys define what good friends means.
Thank A Lot!
Once again thanks to Scha
for accompanying Alep and I at the AF auditions..
Although it doesnt turn out well..
Thanks for the drinks, the food and the moral support..
We appreciate it alot..
And we would never forget it..
Thanks Scha..
You just know us in a week..
But we dont really know why you insisted on following us to the audition..
Best kan lepak ngn kitorang?Ahahah..
Kami dengan rasa rendah diri meminta maaf jikalau tersalah cakap ke hape ke kan..
Hope korang maafkan kitorang..
People make mistakes kan?
Elmi sorry sebab tipu kau..
Saje je rindu kat kau..
Seyza pun..Sorry sebab bahan kau..muahahah!
Xpe asal kau bahagia..:p
Scha..Alep and I troubled you alot..
Kene duduk kt panas, beli air, pegang barang, tido kt surau, tunggu sampai malam, siap kene tipu lagi kan pastu belanje makan lagi..Haih.
Sorry sangat2 eh..
Alep and Shy.
mood : blurr...ding!
ReplyDeletesama sama.
yang bab kena tipu tuh.
dah ah aku ngah 1st date.
kacau mood jek.